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Why Is My Furnace Leaking Water?

Combat A Furnace Leaking Water When Heat Is On

When you’re relaxing at home, heater trouble is the last thing you want to have to worry about. If you notice water around the unit, you may wonder, “Can furnaces leak water?” A furnace can leak water at unexpected times, which can leave homeowners puzzled when they don’t know the cause. King Of Comfort is here to provide assistance and actionable solutions for this common household problem.

When your furnace leaks water, it can be unclear at first whether the issue is simple or a part of something greater and more concerning. Instead of dealing with that stress, read ahead to see how you can address this problem.

Common Causes Of Furnace Leaks

Before working on a solution, the first step is to try and identify the reason for your leaking heater. The sooner you know the culprit, the easier it will be for our HVAC professionals to get your home back in working order.

Water Condensation

One of the most common causes of a heater pipe leaking is water condensation. Puddles can be created from water leaving your heating vents. It is especially common for high-efficiency systems to experience this problem. If your unit is repeatedly turning on and off, that can be another sign of leaking water.


Different kinds of blockages throughout your piping and heating system may be causing the leak. The air duct connecting your furnace to the outside could be clogged, potentially causing leaks and overheating your heater. Similar blockages might appear in the outside vent pipe. Other places to check for clogs throughout your home are in the air filter and the drain line.

Blockages aren’t the only problems that might impact your home’s piping. Cracked pipes can cause water leaks as well. If you aren’t sure, our professionals can help you in determining the root cause.

Broken Or Malfunctioning Humidifier

If your system’s humidifier is clogged, excessive moisture might appear. Problems that prevent the humidifier from working can produce water that leaks onto the floor. Contacting one of our professionals can help you assess the humidifier’s condition.

External Sources Of Water

Just because water is appearing on the floor, it doesn’t always mean that problems with the furnace are to blame. For instance, you could be experiencing an issue with the secondary heat exchanger connected to the system or its plumbing. King Of Comfort wants you to know that no matter where the problem might be coming from, professional help is only a call away.

What To Do When Your Furnace Is Leaking Water

As soon as you find that your furnace is leaking water when the heat is on, you can take steps to mediate the issue and prepare for a solution. King Of Comfort suggests the following:

  • To ensure safety, turn off your unit immediately when you notice water leakage.
  • Clean up the water produced by the leak using a towel or wet-dry vacuum.
  • Check your humidifier and air filter for possible clogs, leaks or other issues.
  • Most importantly, call an HVAC professional for assistance.

King Of Comfort aims to make sure these troubles are taken care of efficiently and safely.

The Royal Treatment Indianapolis Deserves

When something goes wrong with your heating or cooling, you want to know there’s a group of dependable experts ready to rush to your aid. In case you haven’t heard, there is!

King Of Comfort has provided quality home services to Indianapolis ever since our reign began! We’re here to guarantee your HVAC woes are given the most noble solutions. Contact us today to get started!

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